The Wealth & Wisdom Blog

Information on Estate Planning, Estate and Trust Administration and Unique Asset Planning

Estate Administration Checklist

We are often asked for a “checklist” of tasks to complete following the death of a loved one.  For “Do It Yourself” people, such a list will invariably be too broad, and potentially cause confusion as to what tasks need to be completed.  We therefore recommend that every family grieving the death of a loved one consult with an attorney, financial advisor, and CPA.  Nevertheless, here are a list of general tasks to be completed:


Spring Cleaning

In anticipation of the warmer weather that we hope is right around the corner, our family has been engaged in a bit of spring cleaning.  Like many families we know, we have come to appreciate a home filled with more space and less stuff.  In a new book, “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning,” Margareta Magnuson describes a Swedish tradition known as dostadning (“death cleaning”).  Swedish death cleaning is not about cleaning up after your death; rather, it is about your efforts, in your own lifetime, to rid yourself of unnecessary clutter to minimize the work imposed upon others following your own death.


Full Utilization of a Donor Advised Fund

The implementation of a Donor Advised Funds is at an all time high. Vanguard reported a 45% increase in new DAF accounts in the fourth quarter of 2017, with more than 80% of the gifts comprising non-cash assets, such as appreciated securities.  Likewise, Schwab has reported a 59% increase in the number of new DAF accounts since July 1 of last year.  Perhaps the increase in DAFs can be attributed to the significant appreciation in stock market portfolios.  By reason of the 2017 Tax Act, some Americans who will be taking advantage of the higher standardized deductions may use a DAF to “bunch” charitable gifts in certain years.  In any event, my observation is that the use of DAFs will only increase in the coming years.


Tangible Personal Property Lists

By Minnesota law, a Minnesota resident can direct by a written list how remaining items of tangible personal property should be distributed to and among friends and family following death.  Unlike a Will or a Revocable Trust (also called a Living Trust), such a written list does not need to be notarized or witnessed, but need only identify the item owned by you and the intended recipient.  While you can always give away items of tangible personal property during lifetime, such a list allows you to keep certain items throughout your lifetime, and then be certain that the friend or family member you wish to receive the item will receive it following your death.  In most instances, a client’s Will direct that any items of tangible personal property not listed on such lists will be distributed to and among certain individuals (e.g., spouse, children or certain friends or family members), so that you can use the list to direct the distribution of items to others besides this “class” of beneficiaries.

A list could look something like the following:


Personal Financial Statement

If you don’t already work with a personal financial advisor or financial coach, you may have never completed a personal financial statement.  From a recordkeeping perspective, creating and maintaining a personal financial statement summarizing your current assets and liabilities is a tremendously important estate planning matter.  In creating a list of assets and liabilities in one centralized location, you are saving your friends and family members a tremendous amount of time trying to determine, following your death, the nature and extent of your assets and liabilities following your death.  Below please find an example of a personal financial statement.


How to Choose a Guardian

Deciding who will raise your child in your absence is one of the toughest decisions you’ll face as a parent. We find that the first step is to admit that no one is good enough to raise your kids!  Make a list of all the possible candidates, and then sit down with your partner and talk over the pros and cons of each one.


Estate Planning with 529 Plans

Qualified Tuition Programs (so-called “529 Plans”) and increasingly part of my estate planning conversations with clients. The key income tax benefit of a 529 Plan is that assets contributed to plan grow income tax free.  So long as the assets are distributed for “qualified educational expenses,” distributions are tax free.   Previously, advisors rightfully cautioned against “overfunding” these plans, since contributed assets could only be used for college tuition expenses, and any unused assets were subject to a 10% penalty.  Now, however, the permitted uses of 529 Plan assets has broadened significantly, making it an even more attractive savings vehicle.  Under the new tax law, the following types of distributions are considered to be “qualified educational expenses” for purposes of distributions from 529 Plans:


Benefits of Donor Advised Funds

A donor advised fund (“DAF”) is a charitable planning vehicle that is established through and administered by a public charity. While the assets contributed to a DAF are legally owned by the public charity, the charity generally administers the contributed assets in accordance with an agreement established between the donor and the public charity. When the donor desires for the public charity to make contributions out of the fund, the public charity makes those distributions from the donor’s fund. DAFs are the fastest-growing charitable planning vehicles in the United States for the following reasons:


Calculation of Minnesota Estate Tax on Non-Residents with Minnesota Property

Under current law, the manner of calculating a Minnesota estate tax liability sometimes yields surprising results. If a non-resident of Minnesota dies with real property or business assets in Minnesota, and if this “non-resident” owned assets total assets in excess of the Minnesota estate tax exemption of $3.0 million, then some Minnesota estate taxes are due. Note that tax will be due even if the total value of the real property or business assets in Minnesota is below the Minnesota estate tax threshold of $3.0 million.

The method for calculating the estate tax for a non-resident is as follows:

1. Calculate the total estate tax, using the Minnesota estate tax calculators, assuming that the resident was, in fact, a Minnesota resident.  The Minnesota estate tax calculator can be found here:

2. Calculate a fraction, the numerator of which is the total value of real property or business assets located in Minnesota, and the denominator of which is the decedent’s federal (total) taxable estate.

3. Multiply the first tax amount by the fraction in step 2 to yield the total tax due.

As an example, consider the case of Arnold Brainerd. While Mr. Brainerd became a Florida resident many years ago, he still owned a Minnesota business interest at the time of his death. When he died in 2021, Arnold owned total assets of $10.0 million, with the Minnesota business interest valued at $1.0 million.  Arnold’s estate would calculate a Minnesota estate tax liability as follows:

1. The total Minnesota estate tax on a $10.0M estate, as if Mr. Brainerd were a Minnesota resident, would be $910,000.
2. The percentage of Arnold’s total estate located in Minnesota is 10% ($1.0 million business asset divided by $10.0 million total assets).
3. The resulting Minnesota estate tax is $91,00 (10% times $910,000).

Note that even though Mr. Brainerd died with Minnesota assets of less than the Minnesota exemption amount of $3.0 million, an estate tax is still owed.

Please contact me with questions, or to obtain our assistance in calculating projected Minnesota estate tax liabilities under various scenarios.

Minnesota Estate Taxes

Back in 2017, Governor Mark Dayton signed a Minnesota tax bill into law that, among other items, specifies the Minnesota estate tax rate and estate tax exemption amounts.  Minnesota residents with significant assets should be aware of these exemption amounts and why so-called “Credit Shelter Trust” planning (also known as A/B Planning or “Credit Shelter Trust planning”) continues to be important.

Current Law:

For 2020, and all subsequent years, the exemption amounts and marginal tax rates are as follows:


This blog is intended to provide the reader with assistance in understanding various estate planning and trust estate planning concepts. In an effort to keep things as digestible as possible, I have tried to keep each blog post as short as possible.  As a result, an astute reader would see that I often fail to address various exceptions to rules or principals, or how various principles relate to one another.  There are a number of moving parts associated with various planning structures summarized on this blog.  In order to achieve your estate planning objectives, it is important that you receive the assistance of an experienced estate planning attorney.  Otherwise, your family may be in a worse position for your having attempted these strategies on your own.  Until we form an attorney-client relationship, you should be aware that your visiting this blog has not formed an attorney-client relationship, and none of this information can be taken as legal advice.  To contact my office about scheduling an appointment, contact us at 612-465-0080.